Sunday, April 8, 2007

Volk House Brochure

Sorry before if I use the same time for publishing my blog....
I get sick for few days so cannot on-line :)

In Indonesia there's a very-very small house but can grow...
There's something I confuse about Land housing for this mini house :p (NOt Efficient in Land use ;p)

the houses perspektif view in the brochure is made by me too......

Finalll Seaweed Brochure

at least my final step...
Not far from the second revision :)
Just need to change minor point such as words that need to add...

Oks... Enjoyyy....

Monday, April 2, 2007

Brochure Revision1

I'm very confuse nih... The brochure Teks is too longg... From other brochure sample there's no one that have full text in front and back of the brochure.... Welll u just see it my revision.